Artificial Intellect
We are approaching the moment when artificial intellect will more often substitute the real one. Apparently very soon even the museums will display artworks created not by humans but robots..’
This series is a kind of reflection on evolution, progress, or the regression of Mankind in general, and the individuum in particular.
Collaboration made by Misha Most x Clan Alex Gorin
Curated by NFT.ARKA and FMT.JETLAG
SOLD on Binance.NFT 2021
Human and Science
“The way to rebuilding the human nature will be not quick and easy.
...In the end, Science will create a new perfect type of Human.”
The works presented refer to the ‘future of the past series’ which is a kind of reflection on evolution, progress, or the regression of Mankind in general, and the individuum in particular.
Collaboration made by Misha Most x Clan Alex Gorin
Curated by NFT.ARKA and FMT.JETLAG
SOLD on Binance.NFT 2021
New Aim
“...the aim of our experiments is to create a more happy, less aggressive and perfectly balanced new Human.”
This series is a kind of reflection on evolution, progress, or the regression of Mankind in general, and the individuum in particular.
Collaboration made by Misha Most x Clan Alex Gorin
Curated by NFT.ARKA and FMT.JETLAG
SOLD on Binance.NFT 2021
The Evolution Science. edition of 20
"...The evolution that prior to now needed centuries, will be executed in the science laboratories in just years or months. In the end we will breed creatures that will no longer be considered the human of the past. These creatures should be named Cyborgs, or Cyber organisms."
partly sold
"100 CREATORS" Binance NFT launch Artist 07/2021
Endless (Space)
This artwork is a collaborative project of Misha Most with digital artist and designer Alex Gorin. Alex GorinThe graphic depicts a set of elements reminiscent of science and technology while at the same time looking forward with remnants of future civilisations after the planets collision, the elements are floating seamlessly in the space.
Работа к относится к серии работ "Будущее Прошлого", которая посвящена проблематике восприятия будущего, таким темам как, влияние науки и технологий на общество в целом, и человека в частности. Endless - одно из совместных произведений Миши Most с цифровым художником и дизайнером Алексом Гориным, отражающее стилистику двух авторов.
1350 x 1080 px. 51,3 Mb
Homo Aquaticus
"Homo Sapiens is not perfect, only a new breed of people, Homo Aquaticus, will be able to master all the riches of the ocean."
In this artwork, Artem Tkach placed the mural of Misha Most in the natural environment of the Pacific Ocean.
The light projection on the glacier of Antarctica personifies ecological interaction of art with the environment without destructive human intervention in nature.
Collaboration art between Misha Most and Artem Tkach
1350 x 1080 px. (46.84MB)
"100 CREATORS" Binance NFT launch Artist 07/2021
Transhumanism. edition of 20
"If we want to take possession of the universe, to invade its depths, there are two ways - to complicate the designs of spaceships even more or to break some of our existing physiological mechanisms, fixed in the process of evolution. The limited capabilities of our body today hinder the further development of space research..."
edition partly sold
"100 CREATORS" Binance NFT launch Artist 07/2021
The Ultimate Combination. edition of 20
"The cyber organism combined from the human brain and artificial shell will possess a colossal workpower."
edition partly sold
"100 CREATORS" Binance NFT launch Artist 07/2021
The work combines the unique styles and art concepts of both renowned artists.
Collaboration Art made by Misha Most x Anton Reva/Koshta
edition partly sold
1594 x 1992 px. (34.14MB)
"100 CREATORS" Binance NFT launch Artist 07/2021
«After» Labs
It was year 2069, a global virus hit the Earth, and world wars were unleashed, many nuclear bombs were dropped. In this regard, the Earth was absorbed by radiation.
Few people have managed to save. Soon they found untouched spaceships in abandoned space stations and flew away to look for new inhabited lands, writing on the walls the entire history and world events of planet Earth...
«After» Labs
2069, год после распространения смертельного вируса мир погряз в глобальных конфликтах, и в результате применения нового ядерного оружия уровень радиации на земле достиг критического. Оставшиеся в живых были вынуждены покинуть землю, но длительные перелеты к другим галактикам смогли перенести только киборги-помощники.
Оставшись единственным носителем земных технологий и культур киборги полностью переосознают себя как последнее живое звено человеческой цивилизации, и их космические корабли становится центрами создания новых наук и новых видов искусства.
Collaboration Art of Misha Most and Elizarevfx
2000 x 2500 px.(47.41MB)
"100 CREATORS" Binance NFT launch Artist 07/2021
This too shall pass.
"This too shall pass" is an ancient expression that, after millennia, does not lose its relevance, and becomes practically the slogan of our time. It is not known whether humanity will meet the new millennium in its usual form, but those organisms that existed millions of years before us, including the mold, which became the co-author of this work, will most likely continue to live and prosper
Collaboration by Misha Most and DashaPlesen
1920 x 1260 px (26.75MB)
"100 CREATORS" Binance NFT launch Artist 07/2021
The human factor
The space programs of the world are more and more aiming for transporting the human civilization to other planets, dreaming of better and more easy life of the new nomads. Leaving all the known human problems behind. Corrupt leaders, bad ecology unhealthy food and so on.
Is it possible to get rid of the ‘earth problems’ and the notorious human factor with human still present..?
Collaboration between Misha Most and Daltonizm
"100 CREATORS" Binance NFT launch Artist 07/2021
The Remnants of Human. edition 20
The future:
Nature's technical systems are failing. Technogenesis has forced androids to translate all of human history into a digital virtual world. Throughout civilization history humans have depicted their life on rocks and walls. Today walls are being digitized and become part of virtual reality, and carry the absorbed reflection of the essence of human.
Collaboration between Misha Most and Rinatto L’bank
edition partly sold
"100 CREATORS" Binance NFT launch Artist 07/2021
The Remnants of Human. edition of 20
The future:
Nature's technical systems are failing. Technogenesis has forced androids to translate all of human history into a digital virtual world. Throughout civilization history humans have depicted their life on rocks and walls. Today walls are being digitized and become part of virtual reality, and carry the absorbed reflection of the essence of human.
Collaboration between Misha Most and Rinatto L’bank
"100 CREATORS" Binance NFT launch Artist 07/2021
"THE FUTURE OF THE PAST" part of UrbanFiles project
In 1968, Philip K. Dick published "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep". The book narrates a story of android hunters who distinguish themselves from humans using empathy tests. It was later adapted to a cult cyberpunk film, "Blade Runner". Stories about androids are always stories about what it really means to be a human. Some ideas about the future that were expressed in science fiction and scientific hypotheses of the 1960-70s have already become a reality in the early XXI century. Yet some fundamental questions remain unanswered. Like, will we turn into androids when Metaverse comes? Will we live in a world of the Spatial Internet where the physical reality will be indistinguishable from the augmented one? What we know for sure by 2021 is that museums will exhibit more and more works created not by men, but by robots.
A human turning into an android is the first mural of his prominent series "The Future of the Past". The mural is dedicated to the perception of the future and is executed on the facade of a residential building in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
edition partly sold
Purchase link
Androids mash-up bot. 2021
first sold NFT 03-2021
This is a real-life street painting, performed during my visit to LA, dec2020, in the rising pandemic 2nd wave. The name for the work is "In Search Of", whether it be the right vaccine then, or the right token now, it's up to you to decide.
The ephemeral life of street art was always the sad part of it, lets try to preserve it through this digital assets!
buyer gets an A4 aquarelle copy of the work.
*20% of the sales profit will be spent on buying other artist on this platform, Community Power!