The installation Untitled (System) presented at the 2nd Moscow Street Art Biennale Artmossphere in Moscow Manege.
31 aug - 09 sept 2016
In 2016, the participants of Artmossphere, the II Moscow International Biennale of Street Art, will explore the boundaries of personal freedom; the human habit of doubting their abilities, setting limits on new achievements and radical changes, exaggerating the significance of obstacles. The artists will analyze the causes and consequences of self-imposed limits: passivity and inertness, fear of punishment and of innovation, as well as appeal to each person to test on a daily basis the permeability of their own invisible walls, the barriers of self-censorship and lack of confidence, the protective shields of a comfortable environment and inherited social status. read more
press: 1 канал TV report, Канал Культура TV report
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